Friday, July 20, 2012

Faith Endures - Operation Christmas Child

Please follow the link to Samaritan Purse's website and read this story of faith, hope, and joy! Two days after receiving Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, and many in the community learn how Jesus Christ died for their sins because He loves them so much, these people were forced from their homes by local government with tear gas, rubber bullets, and bulldozers leveled their entire community - homes, homeless shelters, and church along with everything in them. Ten year old Neruta says, “They wrecked our home, but it’s okay,” she said. “But why did they wreck our church? Why did they have to take our church away?” and their pastor said "I encourage the people, telling them that God is here with us,” Pastor Subba and a few friends were already busy pulling bricks from the ruins of the church, chipping the mortar away, and stacking them in a growing pile. “We are going to sell the bricks and collect money to rebuild the church,” Pastor Subba said. “We did it before and we will do it again. There is so much to do. So many people need help. Please pray for us.”
Wow! We did it before and we will do it again. Amazing faith from a community that has, what our world call 'lost everything', and all they ask of anyone is prayer - they aren't asking for welfare, free doctor visits, or food stamps - they know the road ahead is hard and they have so much to do, and they believe in the power of prayer and trust that God will supply all their needs. Pack my bags, I'm moving to Nepal, I want a faith like that!  ♥ Brittany

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